Woah!  Well, hopefully most people know that I’m a slacker blogger and we have actually been to Ethiopia for court and returned!  We did end up traveling for court July 19-27th and had a wonderful time meeting Erbeka and Zegaye for the first time.  I’ll be posting a bunch of pictures here soon, but did most of our posting via facebook while we were in-country.

So much has happened over the past few weeks its difficult to think through typing it all out here.  But to say the least God’s grace has been so evident in each step we’ve taken in this adoption.  We just have to stop and thank God for again and again proving Himself faithful to our family.  10 months ago we just couldn’t logically think how in the world we’d be able to pay for another adoption and care for one or two more children, but as we’ve stepped out in faith to what we believed God was asking us to do we have seen Him provide WAY beyond our wildest imagination.  We’ve had anonymous gifts sent through the mail, seen friends and family sacrificially give out of their abundance and even out of their need, within the last week we also had someone give us all the money we needed to purchase a van!   **For those wondering we only need about $5-6,000 more to finish up this adoption, this means that over the last 8 months God has provided $34,000 to cover adoption expenses so far AND an additional $10,000 for us to purchase a vehicle that will fit our expanded family!  But we do need this remaining amount within the next week to be able to pay for our plane tickets to Ethiopia and our in-country expenses while we’re there. **  If you’re interested in helping, the best option is to give quickly to our Lifesong account (info under the Funding our adoption page) this option allows you to receive a tax-deduction for any amount you contribute.  If you’d like to send a personal check to us to help with the remaining expenses that is also an option.  We’ve updated the Funding our Adoption page with the details of the expenses we have left to pay.  Please take a look and see if you may be lead to help with one of the final expenses we have, our family would be forever grateful!

And now. . .  here’s some photos from our time in Ethiopia!  We just can’t wait to have Zegaye and Erbeka come home and join the Taylor Family Clan!

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5 responses to “UPDATE!!!

  1. Kay

    So glad to read this update. I have been wondering how you all are doing. I am so glad to see some pics. They are both soooo cute. I am so happy for your family, and can’t wait until you get to bring them home.
    AWAA family & blogs on

  2. Suzanne

    What beautiful children! I look forward to following your blog and watching how the Lord provides.

    My husband and I just applied with American World Adoption and hope to hear something from them sometime next week.

    Blessings to you and your family

  3. Amy

    Tears of joy flowing down my face for you – the children are beautiful, you all look so good together, and I can’t wait to see your whole family together. PRAISE the AWESOME God from whom all blessings flow!!
    In His Love,
    Mom to John and Ryan

  4. Thanks for the update! This is certainly an exciting time!

  5. Great post! Congratulations! Pleased to hear your fundraising has gone well; it gives me hope. Our dossier is on its way to ET for our waiting child who’s 3 and getting older as we speak. We’re in a rush because he needs some diagnosis and therapy, and we’re anxious to get started. We don’t anticipate being able to travel for visit 1 until after Christmas, which is probably good because we’re shy about $13,000. We know where $7,000 will come from (work/savings thru December), but can’t yet see the last $6,000. We’re praying hard, and we’ve just begun to let our friends and family know all about what we’re doing. I hope our process goes half as well as it seems yours has. God bless you guys.
    Chris, Jenny & team

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