Monthly Archives: July 2010

Collecting donations

Well, still no word on a confirmed court date for our family, but we’re hoping to travel sometime the week of July 19th-25th.  So with that in mind we’re trying to collect donations to take with us.  If you live close feel free to drop any of the items listed below off at our home, or bring them to us at church.   Here’s a list of a few things the orphanages are always needing:

  • Formula -this is a pressing need and we want to take as much as possible
  • Diaper wipes
  • Medical gloves
  • Common medical supplies- children’s tylenol and ibuprofen, triple antibiotic, lice treatment, ring worm treatment, children’s vitamins

And thanks again everyone for doing something to help orphans!

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Filed under Adoption

Thank You. . .

How does a family say thank you when they don’t know who to thank?  Maybe I’ll just have to share, in hopes that you’ll read this and know that you were a very very specific answer to pray for our family this week.

As you may know we have all our paperwork submitted to court and expect to receive official word next week that we’ll travel soon.  However to do so we needed to pay our final program fee of $1350 along with the $5-$6,000 dollars to travel and stay for a week.  Well, this past week I emailed our family coordinator to see if we could wait to make our $1350 payment and try to pull together the funds for traveling.  She said that unfortunately we could not and that our case would be delayed should we not be able to make our final program fee payment.  I asked that the staff please pray for our family and she graciously said that they would.

Throughout this entire adoption we have seen God meet need after financial need in the most amazing ways as people have sacrificially and generously given to help us pay adoption expenses.  Today we walked to the mailbox and opened a letter with no return address, inside was a bank issued check, signed by someone we don’t know, in the amount of $1,300, and Adoption Costs written in the memo line!   Can we not say today that our Heavenly Father LOVES the Orphan?!?!  That He rejoices in rescuing the perishing?!?!?  That He desires that 2 children no longer sleep in an orphanage with no one to tuck them in tonight, with no one teaching them to read, wiping their skinned knees, and most importantly passing on the gospel that they can be adopted into His forever family!

So. . . thank you.  Thank You.  THANK YOU.  You have provided a tangible evidence of God at work!

“Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles, and refuse to let the world corrupt us.”  -James 1:27


Filed under Adoption

Lifesong for Orphans

Lifesong for Orphans is a wonderful ministry that does much work in caring for orphans, but a facet of their ministry is helping adopting families bring their children home.  They do this by providing matching grants or by setting up tax-deductible giving funds on behalf of a family to help them in fundraising.  We were blessed to receive a matching grant with our last adoption, however this time around we have been approved to have a fund created on our families behalf.  Lifesong is a trusted organization administering the funds on our children’s behalf, and will pay adoption expenses out of funds we’ve received.

For those of you who would desire to support our family in this way, please click on our funding our adoption page for information on how to give to this account.  And thank you for supporting our growing family through your prayers and finances.  We are very grateful for any help you are able to provide.

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