Monthly Archives: September 2009

Lifesong For Orphans

What a blessing!  Our family was featured on the reflections blog over at Lifesong for Orphans today.  You can visit the site here:

  Lifesong is an incredible ministry which provides matching grants to families in the process of adopting.  It was Lifesong’s generous grant and the donations of those that matched it that provided for close to $10,000.00 we needed to bring our children home. 

If you are burdened for the orphans in our world today, this is an incredible, honest, ministry that provides funds for families to jump the hurdles of finances on their way to adoption.  If you’re unable to personally adopt I’d encourage you to answer God’s call to care for the orphans by donating to this wonderful ministry or helping a family you know of that is in the process of adoption. 

Thank you Lifesong!


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How I spent my time this afternoon

Sorry you have to click on the link because I can’t get the video to upload here.


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