About the Taylor Clan


Well, we have known each other since third grade!  We both grew up in the small Northern Maine town of Presque Isle and went to the same schools 1st-12th grade.  Bethany has a Dear Diary entry from 5th grade ranting about how Joshua tore up a pink eraser and proceeded to chuck it at her all throughout a Social Studies class!  Our romance didn’t begin though until our senior year of high school when we “officially” started dating (or courting as some call it).  This relationship really began though after many years of friendship as Joshua became a regular part of Bethany’s family throughout middle school and high school, attending numerous church activities, band and chorus rehearsals, and even a few family vacations.

Joshua proposed in October 2002 over the loud speaker of a flight from Boston to Chicago.  The entire plane cheered him on as Bethany was completely shocked and speechless and could only reply with a two-thumbs-up.  It was less then a year later on July 12, 2003 when we were married.

The past 6 1/2 years of marriage have been a wonderful adventure with lots of twists and turns and living in various places and getting to know some of the most incredible people.   Most recently we discovered that God had a fabulous plan to build our family through adoption (something we had always desired).  Each of us have been blessed to travel throughout the world on various mission trips and God has given us a great love for people of different cultures and races.   In January 2009 we traveled to Ethiopia to bring home the 2 most amazing children you’ll ever meet!  Fikadu Enoch Taylor age 7 and his sister Tigist Abeni Taylor age 6.

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This blog has chronicled the story of our lives and now turns the page to the newest adventure.  In January 2010 we will be starting the process again to return to Ethiopia to complete another adoption.  Please join our family as we take up faith and run ahead into all that God has instore!

10 responses to “About the Taylor Clan

  1. Ellen

    I’m soo happy for you! Having a child is such a blessing, and I know you’re going to be wonderful parents to your baby!

  2. Hi,
    This is Hilary Forrest (www.ethihopeia.com). I also grew up in a small town in Maine. I grew up in Winter Harbor (across the bay from Bar Harbor). It is neat that we are on the same path together! Keep looking up!

  3. Katie Redfern

    Hey, I’m glad you found me! Welcome to the Ethiopia program! We are HUGE Sovereign Grace fans, so I’m glad we have that awesome connection, too! Mark & I are planning to come up to Gaithersburg for the Worship God ’08 conference in July/August. Maybe we could get together then!! 🙂 Let me know!

  4. Jessie Cote

    Wow, this is an awesome story seeing how i grew up in the same small town with the both of you…I’m so happy life is kind to you.

  5. It looks like you two have really grown up so much from the days when I knew you. I don’t know that you’ll know me from my name now. I was Karen Pelletier and then Karen Moore, now Karen White.
    We live in Hickory, NC and our family is all grown up. You can read a little about them on my blog. There are some current pictures.
    We’ll be praying for you through this adoption process.

  6. Sara Roy

    I didn’t know Josh proposed on a plane – that’s awesome!

    You guys are so amazing and you deserve a wonderful family. You’ll be great parents. We love you guys!

  7. Welcome to the family! I saw your intro on the CAFE kids board. We brought our daughter home almost 5 months ago. What a wonderful season this adventure has been for our whole family. I’ll be watching your journey as God leads the way.
    In Christ,
    the Howletts

  8. To Bethany and Josh:
    Congratulations on your adoption! You will be terrific parents. They are great looking children and I can’t wait to see more pictures of them. God Bless you.


  9. Congratulations! My husband and I are in the beginning stages of our adoption process. Elizabeth Rhyno referred me to your web address, so I had to check it out. I can’t wait to read about your journey. I was considering setting up a web page myself for family and friends so that we wouldn’t have to keep answering the same questions over and over again, and I confess, your page has inspired me!

    Your children are beautiful! I can’t wait to see pictures when you are united together!


  10. Lisa gallo

    There are no words! Seeing you with those beautiful children! We cannot wait to meet them. Hasn’t He been sooo good?

    Love the Gallo’s